One year ago today I was packing to leave my home in the
United States to live on a ship and serve the people of Benin. It is hard to believe
that it has been a year. We are literally in our last few days here in Benin.
Our last surgery was on Friday. We have already closed down and begun cleaning
B-ward. The hospital’s last day open will be this coming Friday. As I type this
I am working a night shift with nearly nothing to do. A-ward has only 4 admitted
patients left on the ward and 3 patients who are staying as outpatients because
they are not quite ready to return home, but we have also closed down the hospital’s
outpatient extension center (HOPE center).
It is strange knowing that we are so close to being done
here. I have so many feelings swimming around inside my heart and mind: excitement
as well as exhaustion as we near the finish line; sadness over leaving this
country and loneliness after close friends leave for home, but love and joy for
the relationships God has provided.
So much has happened this year. So many people, coworkers and
patients, have touched me. I would love to share all these moments with you, but
that would be impossible to do. Instead, I will share with you the images that
I feel sum up my experience here in Benin on the AFM. They say “a picture speaks
a thousand words” so please enjoy this blog of pictures along with a few
patients' stories.

other cultures would look
like. We then spent 2 weeks applying our class work and growing closer as a team in South Africa, by helping 2 local missionaries. We did construction projects and supported them through prayer and encouragement.
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My first glimpse of the ship. Not a great picture but imagine our excitement as we finally arrived after a month and a half preparing. |
After sailing around the Cape of Africa and then sailing from the most southern tip all the way to Benin we finally arrived to the Port of Cotonou, Benin on 18 August, 2016. It was an exciting day as we were guided into the port and lowered the gangway.

Our advance team had been working with the local government and the port to ensure they were ready for us, so it didn't take long for us to set up. This dock space would soon become an extension of the ship, housing our outpatient and rehab tents, as well as, become our backyard and a parking lot for the many Mercy Ships vehicles we need to do our jobs off ship.
We got to work setting up the hospital as the screening team began seeing and selecting the patients we would soon be caring for. I have a deep respect for our screening team. Its a hard job. Besides the long days, it can also be an emotionally difficult job. The few days of screening I assisted with impacted me greatly as the enormity of the need which faced us was displayed in real life in front of me for the first time.

In early September we were ready to open our doors to patients. My home ward for my entire time here as been A-ward. We do primarily general surgery, but we also take B-ward's (the ward which rotated specialties) overflow as those patients became more stable. We also cared for some of the easier D-ward patients (head and neck tumors and other facial surgeries) when they became to full. Because of this I had the chance to care for quite a variety of patients and grew very close to many of the longer term patients.

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Hanging out on deck 7 during the hour a day the stable patients are able to get some fresh air and sometimes watch a ship come in. |
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Lots of time in bed after surgery means daily exercise sessions. |
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Practicing walking on deck |
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It wasn't all smiles, but everybody has to walk. |
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After the cast were removed there was still a lot of work to be done with physical therapy |
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Ortho season took us right up to Christmas. |
Yasmine and myself the day we met. |
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Yasmine prior to surgery |

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Yasmine with her new friend ready to be discharged from rehab. |

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My favorite thing about this picture is the look on his mama's face as he learns to kick. He as come a long way since this picture. Maurinho can now run! |

Marthe (pronounced Martha) was another patient who touched my heart deeply. Our plastic surgeon removed a nearly 30lb tumor from her back. We first met when I was working a night shift on B-ward. I cared for her immediately preop. The following is an excerpt of what I wrote on my Facebook page the day after my first interaction with her.

Marthe had a long road to recovering. Nearly her entire upper back required skin grafting and her healing was complicated by an infection. She was in pain after surgery; it was hard to see, but slowly she improved, her skin grew and healed; she is now at home, free of the burden she carried with her for as long as she can remember.
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Fistula ladies posing with their doctor just before their dress ceremony. |
The spring also brought the fistula patients to B-ward. obstetric fistulas are caused by an obstructed labor, usually resulting in a dead baby. The prolonged labor puts pressure on the bladder and makes a hole. The woman then leak urine constantly. I never cared for any of these strong women, but I was blessed to attend some of their dress ceremonies during which the women were pampered by having their makeup done and given a clean new dress with jewelry. The dress was symbolic of their new start on life.
The most exciting news about the fistula patients is that Mercy Ships was unable to fill all the surgical slots. This might not sound like great news, but it is. Mercy Ships based planned surgery spots on the needs they have seen in Benin during past services, but something in this country has changed for the better because the need for fistula repair was so much less then the Ship was expecting. This is such awesome news! The fistula surgeries were cut short and the ship was able to bring in more general surgeons. For the last couple months both A-ward and B-ward have been doing general surgery and many people who had previously been placed on a wait list have received the surgeries they needed.
And so ends this field service to Benin. During the year I've witnessed joy and sorrow. I've experienced miracles and learned to trust God even when outcomes are not as we hoped. I have been so blessed to have been a part of this. Looking back over the year I can see the reflection of God. He allows us to be healing hands to those patients he has entrusted in our care, but this is just a picture of the spiritual healing he brings, one that is complete, perfect and all encompassing. Please pray with me that those patients whom were impacted by Mercy Ships this year, those we could heal physically and those we could not, would experience the healing that God offers because we all are in need of His healing. The healing God provides is the only healing which is eternal.
Author's Note: While I am currently serving with Mercy Ships the ideas and opinions expressed here are my own. Mercy Ships has not reviewed nor do they endorse the content written within this blog. Photo Credit to Kat Sotolongo,Timmy Baskerville, & Justine Forrest, the Mercy Ship's photographers who took many the pictures in this blog post as well as the amateur ward photographers. Patients are asked at admission for consent for photographs to to used by Mercy Ships and Mercy Ships crew. It is made very clear at that time that saying no will not effect their care. Only specific people who have been educated on the policies and have been pre-approved are allowed to photograph our patients.
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